
Revelation(11v15): Interval Event – The Seventh Trumpet (Heavenly Scene)

If one does not recognize and accommodate for the interval periods in Revelation (discussed here), then you will end up with a skewed timeline of events. In this post we continue analyzing the content of chapter 11, which is inside an interval period of Revelation, and revealing a lot of details that are not directly connected to the sequential order of events according to a linear timeline. 

John hears the seventh trumpet sound, but we must notice that this scene that John writes about is in heaven. This is not yet occurring on earth. It’s as if the anticipation of Christ’s return is being rehearsed in heaven. From an ‘earthly’ perspective, Jesus Christ will begin His warpath and conquering of earth only later in the second half of the tribulation. We are now only dealing with events at the mid-point.

So, this event, the seventh trumpet, announces in heaven that “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ;”. It is a heavenly event; it is an anticipatory event. The celebrations will soon start among the heavenly hosts, and after a while, Jesus Christ will enter earths realm, riding upon a white horse, conquering His enemies on a warpath through the Middle East, ending on the Mt. of Olives and at the final battle of Armageddon.

It might be useful to end this post by reminding you that since the sixth seal, the New Jerusalem has entered into the proximity of earth and the inhabitants of earth can see the glories of this city, visibly with their eyes. It strikes fear into them, but at this point, Jesus does not yet come down. It is my view that the trumpet judgements are issued from this location, and it will be the location of Christ’s ‘official’ second advent, somewhere in the second half of the tribulation, when He rides out of this city and into the realm of earth to conquer His enemies and set up His kingdom.

In the next post we will get into chapter 12, which starts to introduce a number of other details that are key to the continuation of this great Revelation of Jesus Christ in the end times.